pleasant atmosphere seems to be developing,.....sud- denly our TV friend gets up and addr ssing one of the GG's present says, Do you think my legs are allrig - ht?" and proceeds to lift his skirts way up... She gives alittle gasp and tries a polite response,...but our TV friend is not satisfied. He must show his legs no mat- ter what...he keeps pulling his skirt up every five minutes, ... and towards the end of the evening he has managed to step, out of his skirt entirely to show his petticoat and lingerie to those present. Nice?
CASE # 3. Again it's a social event with non- TV's present....the new TV has made a fairly pleasant im- pression until he gets up from his seat and without asking permission from the hostess, proceeds to go to the kitchen, searches for a bottle of liquor, grabs it and takes it back to his seat, and starts pouring glass after glass. Just plain bad manners--unbecoming in any quest, but absolutely unforgivable in a TV....
CASE # 4. A home opens its doors in hospitality to a new TV and he is told to " make himself at home... What hostess does not realize is that "home" to this quest is some sort of a pig pen whose inhabitants have never heard the word consideration. The TV uses the phone indiscriminately and ties up the line for two solid hours without regard for the needs of the house- hold. He will help himself from bottle and refriger- ator without once thinking that it might be a nice ges- ture to bring a little something besides his marvellous self. He will try on any garment or hairpiece within his reach without asking for permission. The bathroom is left in shambles, powder spilled, Klenex, used and left laying around, towels covered with make up, and he wonders why no second invitation!
CASE #5. After much effort and months of indoc- trination a TV wife has begun to accept her husband's TVism as something not unpleasant and rather harmless. She has even consented to meet other TV's and their wives. the TV husband is hopeing that after she meets a few TV friends she will be even more amenable to his dressing at home. The rest of the group is aware of the importance that this first impression will have